Traveling Abroad

Travel is the transportation of individuals between various distant geographic locations. Travel can sometimes be done by foot, vehicle, bike, car, plane, train, bus or train, and may be one way travel or round trip, and can either be public or private. Public means that anyone travelling to a specific destination can take their own transport with them, and private means that individuals are restricted to taking transport available at the travel terminal they are departing from. There are many different means of travel; however, the most well-known are air travel, rail travel and road travel.


Air travel is the transportation of passengers by air. This is mostly to and from destinations within the United States. Rail travel is the transportation of passengers by rail, usually to and from international destinations. Road travel is the transportation of passengers who are using vehicles other than air or rail to get to their destinations.

Travel is an important mode of transportation for individuals and families all over the world. The most popular means of travel include air, sea, land and sea, although travelers can also choose to drive or ride bikes. Air travel was the most popular means of travel for a variety of international travelers during the Christmas holiday in the United States. As of December 7, there were no longer any statewide travel restrictions in place for United States citizens traveling to Canada. In Canada, there were three travel advisories, however, these have since changed. For other areas of the world, travel advisories still apply.