Why Travel?


Why Travel?

Travel is the transfer of individuals between different distant geographic locations. Travel can be performed by automobile, foot, train, plane, truck, boat, bicycle, and is either one way to another location or round trip, with no luggage to carry. The modes of transportation depend on the destination and duration of the travel. Some common modes of travel include air, sea, land and rail. Air travel takes most of the travel routes since airports are strategically located in major cities for traveler convenience.

As a general rule, there is a security check for tourists as they enter the country. This is normally done as a part of immigration procedures when travelers need to obtain a visa, pass through security checks and provide all immunizations required before boarding the vessel or train. There may be special fees for specific destinations. In order to avoid being turned down for a visa, travelers need to be fully immunized and certified by a physician within three days of the date of application. Some countries require travelers to also be checked if they are suffering from an illness that could cause an international health risk.

Travel is not only for enjoyment but is also very important in the maintenance of world healthiness. Travel allows scientists to conduct research, students to complete degrees and complete their programs, as well as development aid workers who make tremendous contributions to the economic well being of countries. Travel enables people from different cultures and backgrounds to come together and share ideas, experiences, and learn from each other. Thus, it is a great way for individuals to meet others and build connections that will impact their lives for years to come.